College of Forestry

Watershed Processes Group

COVID-19 Impacts Highlight the Need for Holistic Evaluation of Research in the Hydrologic Sciences

J. Bales; A. Bhaskar; G. Characklis; A. Flores; T. Gilmore; J. Gomez-Velez; G.E. Grant; A. Jefferson; S. Khan; S. Ledford; S. Loheide; G. Miller; A. Mishra; A. Nolin; J. VanBriesen; A. Ward; M. Zarnetske; M. Zimmer
Bales J., Bhaskar A., Characklis G., Flores A., Gilmore T., Gomez-Velez J., Grant G.E, Jefferson A., Khan S., Ledford S. et al.. 2022. COVID-19 Impacts Highlight the Need for Holistic Evaluation of Research in the Hydrologic Sciences. Water Resources Research. 58
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Journal Article
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