College of Forestry

Watershed Processes Group

Experimental and field observations of breach dynamics accompanying erosion of Marmot cofferdam, Sandy River, Oregon

G. Grant; J.D.G. Marr; C. Hill; S. Johnson; K. Campbell; O. Mohseni; J.R. Wallick; S.L. Lewis; J.E. O'Connor; J.J. Major; B.K. Burkholder
Grant G, Marr JDG, Hill C, Johnson S, Campbell K, Mohseni O, Wallick JR, Lewis SL, O'Connor JE, Major JJ et al.. 2008. Experimental and field observations of breach dynamics accompanying erosion of Marmot cofferdam, Sandy River, Oregon. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress.
Citation Key
Type of Publication
Conference Paper
Year of Publication