College of Forestry

Watershed Processes Group

Hillslope Hydrology in Global Change Research and Earth System Modeling

Y. Fan; M. Clark; D.M. Lawrence; S. Swenson; L.E. Band; S.L. Brantley; P.D. Brooks; W.E. Dietrich; A. Flores; G.E. Grant; J.W. Kirchner; D.S. Mackay; J.J. McDonnell; P.C.D. Milly; P.L. Sullivan; C. Tague; H. Ajami; N. Chaney; A. Hartmann; P. Hazenberg; J. McNamara; J. Pelletier; J. Perket; E. Rouholahnejad-Freund; T. Wagener; X. Zeng; E. Beighley; J. Buzan; M. Huang; B. Livneh; B.P. Mohanty; B. Nijssen; M. Safeeq; C. Shen; W. van Verseveld; J. Volk; D. Yamazaki
Fan Y., Clark M., Lawrence D.M, Swenson S., Band L.E, Brantley S.L, Brooks P.D, Dietrich WE, Flores A., Grant G.E et al.. 2019. Hillslope Hydrology in Global Change Research and Earth System Modeling. Water Resources Research. 55:35.
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Journal Article
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