College of Forestry

Watershed Processes Group

Soil moisture and micrometeorological differences across reference and thinned stands during extremes of precipitation, southern Cascade Range

K. Hardage; S. Wheelock; R. Gaffney; T. O'Halloran; B. Serpa; G. Grant; M. Coppoletta; A. Csank; C. Tague; M. Staudacher; S. Tyler
Hardage K., Wheelock S., Gaffney R., O'Halloran T., Serpa B., Grant G, Coppoletta M., Csank A., Tague C., Staudacher M. et al.. 2022. Soil moisture and micrometeorological differences across reference and thinned stands during extremes of precipitation, southern Cascade Range. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. 5
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Type of Publication
Journal Article
Year of Publication