College of Forestry

Watershed Processes Group


The Watershed Processes Group is an interdisciplinary research group working at the Forestry Sciences Laboratory in Corvallis, Oregon. We include scientists with the USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station, researchers and graduate students from Oregon State University, and collaborators at other universities and government agencies. We share a common interest in understanding linkages among physical and biological processes and human activities, with a particular focus on the steep, forested landscapes of the Pacific Northwest.


Gordon Grant

Research Hydrologist, USDA Forest Service, PNW Research Station
Courtesy Professor, OSU College of Earth Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences

Becky Fasth

Senior Faculty Research Assistant I
College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences

Lab Alumni

PhD 2018, Water Resource Engineering
College of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences

MS 2018, Water Resources Enginnering



PhD 2018, Geology
College of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences

PhD 2018, Water Resources Science

Senior Faculty Research Assistant II, 2001-2018

Post-doctoral Scholar 2010-2013; Post-doctoral Research Associate 2013-2014

MS 2013, Water Resources Engineering

MS 2013, Geology

MS 2013, Water Resources Science

MS 2012, Water Resources Engineering

Visiting Research Scholar, 2010-2012

MS 2010, Water Resource Engineering

MS 2008, Water Resources Science; Faculty Research Assistant, 2008

PhD 2006, Geology; Post-Doctoral Research Associate, 2007

PhD 2007, Geology, University of Nottingham

PhD 2006, Geology

Visiting Researcher,  Summer 2005

Visiting Researcher, Winter 2004

PhD 2004, Geology

MS 2004, Geology

JSPS post-doctoral fellow Fall 2004, University of Tsukuba, Japan

PhD 2002, Fisheries & Wildlife; M.S. 1999, Forest Engineering

Faculty Research Assistant, 1999-2001

Post-doctoral Research Associate, 1998-2001

PhD 2000, Geology

MS 1998, Geology and Civil Engineering

MS 1998, Geology and Civil Engineering

MS 1998, Geology