College of Forestry

Watershed Processes Group

Owyhee River intracanyon lava flows: Does the river give a dam?

L.L. Ely; C.C. Brossy; P.K. House; E.B. Safran; J.E. O'Connor; D.E. Champion; C.R. Fenton; N.R. Bondre; C.A. Orem; G.E. Grant; C.D. Henry; B.D. Turrin
Ely LL, Brossy CC, House PK, Safran EB, O'Connor J.E, Champion D.E, Fenton CR, Bondre NR, Orem CA, Grant G.E et al.. 2012. Owyhee River intracanyon lava flows: Does the river give a dam? Geological Society of America Bulletin.
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Type of Publication
Journal Article
Year of Publication