College of Forestry

Watershed Processes Group

Toward a formal definition of water scarcity in natural human systems

W.K. Jaeger; A.J. Plantinga; H. Chang; G. Grant; D. Hulse; J.J. McDonnell; H. Moradkhani; A.T. Morzillo; P.W. Mote; A. Nolin; M. Santlemann; J. Wu
Jaeger WK, Plantinga AJ, Chang H, Grant G, Hulse D, McDonnell JJ, Moradkhani H, Morzillo AT, Mote PW, Nolin A et al.. 2013. Toward a formal definition of water scarcity in natural human systems. Water Resources Research. 49:4506-4517.
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Journal Article
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