2011 Conference Director:
Sarah Lewis, Dept of Geosciences, Oregon State University
Pre-registration is required to attend any portion of this conference. You may register here.
What is the Bretz club?
We are pleased to invite you to the 2nd Annual 'Bretz Club', inspired by the wildly successful Gilbert Club, with a Pacific Northwest twist. We hope the Bretz Club will bring together Oregon geomorphologists and encourage new ideas, new friendships, and new collaborations amongst our fellow Oregonians.
This 2-day conference will begin with a field trip on Friday, April 29th lead by a contingent of provocative geomorphologists (Evolution of volcanic landforms in the Western Cascades). Friday evening there will be a poster session and associated festivities. Saturday April 30th invited speakers (Kathy Cashman, University of Oregon; Andrew Fountain, Portland State University; and Jon Major, USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory) will present outrageous and provocative talks in the Bretz tradition. Attendees will also have a chance at outrageousness in pop-ups (short 3 minute presentations). Friends, colleagues, and students are all encouraged to attend.
The club will convene at the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest Research Station in Blue River, Oregon. This year's costs for the 2-day (1 night) conference is $140 (Students $80). Registration is handled through OSU Conference Services.
Notes about registering this year:
1) The field trip with be FRIDAY April 29th, followed by the conference portion on SATURDAY April 30th.
2) Thursday night arrival is NOT encouraged: Space in the dorms for early arrival on thursday will be limited, and provided on an as requested basis * the distance you need to travel to attend.
3) If you plan to arrive Friday afternoon (after the field trip) and join in the evening's festivities, you must register for the whole conference (not just saturday).
Schedule: (subject to change at any time without any notice)
Thursday April 28, 2011
A very few people who are traveling a long distance arrive at HJA and go right to sleep.
No dinner, no talking, no fun.
Friday April 29, 2011
8am check-in begins at HJ Andrews Experimental Research Station:
Name tags & field trip guides distributed
Lodging assignments, payment confirmation
Pick up your bag lunch & snacks for the day
9am - Brief Welcome and Overview
9:30am – 6pm (approximate)
Field Trip - Evolution of volcanic landforms in the Western Cascades.
This year's field trip will focus on geomorphic and erosional processes in an older volcanic landscape (the Western Cascades). Drawing on over 50 years of research at the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest and surrounding area, we will examine hillslope, small watershed, fluvial, and landscape-level processes over a range of timescales. The emphasis will be on how styles and products of erosion of volcanic landscapes plus subsequent alteration by hydrothermal processes set the stage for long-term landform evolution. Stops will include examples of small watersheds and their alluvial fans, debris flows, earthflow complexes, and fluvial systems. The discussion will complement Jon Major's Saturday talk on contemporary volcano erosion/geomorphology.
7ish pm
Dinner (catered by the amazing Annie Johnston)
8pm – 10pm+
Poster session
Terroir wine tasting (courtesy of Scott Burns, PSU)
Saturday April 30, 2010
Catered Breakfast
8:30-10 am Keynote #1: Kathy Cashman (UO)
10:30- noon Keynote #2 Jon Major (USGS)
12 - 1 pm Catered Lunch
Pop-ups, Gilbert-club style & Raffle, Bretz-Club style
2:30-4pm Keynote #3: Andrew Fountain (PSU)
Conference ends (student volunteers help clean up)
Need more information? email Sarah.lewis@oregonstate.edu