2014 Conference Directors:
Jim O'Connor, University of Oregon, Scott Burns, Portland State University, and Sarah Lewis, Oregon State University
Pre-registration is required to attend any portion of this conference. Registration is CLOSED at this time.
What is the Bretz club?
We are pleased to invite you to the 5th Annual 'Bretz Club', held at Camp Collins, Oxbow Park, near Gresham, Oregon along the beautiful Sandy River.
The 2014 conference begins Friday, April 11, with three keynote talks (Dave Sherrod, USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory; Gordon Grant, USDA Forest Service; Scott Burns, Portland State University). Camp Collins will be welcoming us on Thursday night so that we can settle in by the river and be ready for a big day of geomorphology on Friday.
We will hold an informal poster session on Friday afternoon. Attendees will also have a chance at their own contributions to provocative science during a pop-ups session (short 3 minute presentations on quite literally anything from ideas to announcements or otherwise). Friday evening will include continuation of the poster session and highly scientific (and non-scientific) socializing.
On Saturday, April 12th, we’ll set off for a field trip focused on the Sandy River, led by Tom Pierson, Mackenzie Keith, and Jim O’Connor, with contributions from many others. The conference will conclude following the field trip.
This year's cost for the 2-day (2 night) conference is $140 (Students $80). Registration is handled through OSU Conference Services. If you have any questions about billing please contact them directly.
Notes about registering this year:
1) We encourage Thursday night arrival. If you’re resigned to arrive on Friday morning, be sure to get an early start.
2) You will need to bring your own linens; sheets/blankets or sleeping bag, pillow and towels.
3) Consider donating and item of geomorphological interest to the raffle!
Tentative Schedule (may change at any time without notice):
Fire, Water, Mud, and Wine: Geology, Geomorphology, and Hydrology of the Cascades (program)
Friday, April 11 – YMCA Camp Collins, Oxbow Regional Park, Sandy River, Oregon
8am: Breakfast
9am: Introductions
9:30am: Key note #1: David Sherrod (USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory) "Geology of the Cascade Range”
Coffee break
10:45am: Key note #2: Gordon Grant (USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station) "Hydrology and geomorphology of the Cascade Range"
Noon: Lunch
2pm: 3 minute Pop-ups on whatever comes to mind (those who preregister get preference)
Coffee break
4pm: Key note #3: Scott Burns (Portland State University) "Quaternary soils and the terroir of wine in Oregon"
5:30pm: Dinner
7:00pm: Evening Extravaganza: Poster session and raffle!
Saturday, April 12 - Field Trip (field guide)
The restless river, eruptions, lahars, and dam removal on the Sandy River led by Tom Pierson, Mackenzie Keith, Jim O’Connor and Gordon Grant. FIELD GUIDE
Departure Time 9am (breakfast at 8am), you'll get a sack lunch to take with you. Field trip likely to conclude early-afternoon at former location of Marmot Dam.