College of Forestry

Watershed Processes Group

2021 Bretz Club Mini-Conference

Archie Creek Fire (Oregon)
Post-fire Geomorphology Free Conference
Virtually on Zoom


After the Burn: Post-Fire Geomorphology in the Pacific Northwest

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

2:30 - 5:00 pm (Pacific time)

Free Scientific Program from the comfort of your home:

2:25 pm  Log into meeting and pass through waiting room

2:30 pm  Orientation to Bretz Club; Zoom etiquette

2:35 pm  Keynote #1: Matthew Reilly (USFS, PNW)

               Fire Ecology in Westside Forests

3:00 pm  Keynote #2: Brittany Johnson (University of Washington)

               Post-fire Changes in Soils and Surface Hydrology

3:25 pm  Intermission

3:35 pm  Keynote #3: Bill Burns (DOGAMI)

               Fire and Debris Flow Hazards in Oregon

4:00 pm  Keynote #4: Becky Flitcroft (USFS, PNW)

               Wildfire Effects in Streams or, Walking the Line Between Catastrophe and Rejuvenation

4:25 pm   Pop-up presentations and General announcements

5:00 pm  Farewell and we hope to see you in person soon!


Registration is required