14th Annual Bretz Club Conference & Field Trip
Friday May 5 & Saturday May 6, 2023
Outrageous Hypothesis!
Held at Camp Delany, in Sun Lake/Dry Falls (Washington State Parks) near Coulee City, WA (link to download Google Earth kmz file)
Registration is closed.
Registration will close when we reach capacity (80) or on April 24, whichever happens first.
The fee this year is $210 for professionals and $100 for students.
This year will include a Friday afternoon field trip that requires a Discover Pass for every vehicle (OSU vans can hold 24). Purchase a pass here for Friday May 5.
Outrageous Schedule (subject to change without warning)
Thursday, May 4th, 2023: Organizers and most Participants arrive 4pm-10pm. Check in, Meet & Greet at the Lodge.
Light refreshments only.
Friday, May 5th, 2023: Scientific Program & Field Trip
All talks, pop-ups, posters, meals, and evening gatherings are in the Lodge. Coffee and tea available all day
7:30am Breakfast / Check-in for Friday morning arrivals
8:30am Introductions and orientation to Bretz Club & Camp Delany
9:00am Keynote #1: Vic Baker (University of Arizona)
Title: J Harlen Bretz and His Outrageous Geological Hypothesis for the Origin of the Channeled Scabland
10:30am Coffee Break (Hot beverages available, bring your own travel mugs!)
11:00am Keynote #2: Karin Lehnigk (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Title: Erosion of Grand Coulee
12:30pm Lunch
1:30pm Field Trip to Grand Coulee; Return by 5:30pm (please print the field trip guide; link below)
6:00pm Dinner
6:45pm Pop-up Presentations & Posters
8:00pm Evening Extravaganza! Raffle, Auction, music and merriment until 10pm. Then we Clean up the common area.
Saturday, May 6th, 2023: Scientific Program & Field Trip
All talks and meals are in the Lodge. Coffee and tea available until 10am
7:30am Breakfast
8:30am Keynote #3: Joel Gombiner (University of Washington)
Title: Battle of the Outrageous Hypotheses: Subglacial vs. Proglacial Outbursts as the Source of Moses Coulee Flooding, Evaluated with Geomorphology, Hydrologic Analysis, and Clast Provenance
10:00am Grab your bag lunch! Pack up and tidy your cabin, assemble in the Lodge. Everyone will pitch in to leave the Camp cleaner than we found it.
10:30am Holy Moses! Field Trip led by Joel Gombiner and Jim O’Connor.
Link to download kml for field trips
link to publications you may want to read
Saturday Field Trip "Holy Moses!" Schedule
Subject to change and times are estimated
10:30 am – 4 pm Up to 6 stops along the Moses Coulee (map in field trip guide)
Stop 1. Moses Coulee, last glacial maximum Okanogan lobe moraine
Stop 2. Moses Coulee, giant flood bar
Stop 3. Moses Coulee, scabland view
Stop 4. Moses Coulee meets the Columbia
Stop 5. West Bar overview (ONLY IF TIME ALLOWS)
Stop 6. Potholes Coulee (ONLY IF TIME ALLOWS)
The field trip will conclude at ~4 pm.
Early departure is possible and easy at any time
We are excited to have our meals provided by Timber Lake Job Corp!
Registration will be handled by OSU conference services.
- Technical Program: Jim O’Connor (USGS)
- Conference Logistics: Ian Madin (and many others) & Becky Fasth (OSU)
Check back here for updates on logistics and program content!