College of Forestry

Watershed Processes Group

Geomorphology Round Table Seminar Series

Geomorphology Brown Bag - Fall 2002
Friday 12-1PM in Wilkinson 104
Current Research

The fall quarter will be all about CURRENT RESEARCH. The idea is to provide a forum for constructive feedback on student (and faculty) research in geomorphology. Unlike past meetings there won't necessarily be papers to read in advance, but we do ask that the presenters come prepared with something to engage our attention (overheads/handouts/video clips, etc...). Since we have a whole hour, we may be able to fit more than one presentation per week

Presenter: Group

how I spent my summer vacation

Presenter: Anne Jefferson

Why all the stream flow studies in the arctic are done in the summer

Presenter: Fred Swanson

Is there geophysical succession (like ecological succession) after major disturbances?

Presenter: Jeff Ninnemann, Rose Wallick

Hyporheic exchange and debris flow

Willamette River geomorphology

Presenter: Jay Noller

Tales of Mediterranean soil landscapes

Presenter: Jared Maclachlan

What could a 30m DEM possibly mean to a flood?

Presenter: Andrew Meigs

Ultra-rapid landscape response and sediment yield following glacier retreat, Icy Bay, southern Alaska.

Presenter: Stephen Lancaster, Gordon Grant

Forest debris flows & streams

Cougar Reservoir drawdown

Presenter: NO MEETING


Presenter: NO MEETING

exam week / AGU meeting