College of Forestry

Watershed Processes Group

Geomorphology Round Table Seminar Series

Geomorphology Brown Bag - Fall 2008
Friday 12-1PM in ALS 3006
What's New?


Although brownbag took a summer vacation, chance is your research didn't. Fall quarter we provide a forum for constructive feedback on advances in student (and faculty) research in geomorphology. There won't necessarily be papers to read, but we do ask that the presenters come prepared with something to engage our attention (overheads/handouts/video clips, etc...). Contrary to popular belief, powerpoint is not mandatory to present your research. You can provide an article in advance for us to discuss that is relevant to your research. Or you can just talk. We can be good listeners.

email Sarah for more information, or visit

Presenter: Gordon Grant


Presenter: Jay Noller

Digital Soils Mapping

Presenter: Bryan Tilt, Waldo 240

Dams and Development on China's Angry River

Presenter: Chris Madden

Characterizing movement of the Salt Range thrust in Pakistan through tectonic geomorphology and paleoseismology

Presenter: John Faustini, <strong>ALS 3096</strong>

Quantifying impacts of sediment disturbance in streams (supplemental reading Kaufmann et al., 2008)

Presenter: Jack Zunka

Sediment conservation and river meandering

Presenter: Terry Frueh

Radiocarbon inbuilt age determination, lost in the woods and struggling with a python

Presenter: Andrew Meigs

Uncertainty in Kashmir CANCELLED

Presenter: NO MEETING


Presenter: Mohammad Sayab

Structure and geometry of surface rupture of the 2005 Mw=7.6 Kashmir earthquake, Pakistan