College of Forestry

Watershed Processes Group

Geomorphology Round Table Seminar Series

Geomorphology Brown Bag - Winter 2010
Tuesday 3-4 pm in ALS 3006
Drainage Basin Characterization

note new day & time TUESDAY 3-4pm

With Lidar, GIS, Rivertools, and other computing resources, drainage basin characterization has never been easier. The meaning of such metrics remains uncertain. Thus, we propose to review historical literature, current literature describing new techniques and/or metrics, or application of characterizations to problem solving. Potential time uses could even include tutorials on how to use widely-available software.

email Sarah to sign up to present.

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Presenter: NO MEETING
Presenter: Group

Introduction: What can you measure and why would you want to?

Hypsometry, Slope/Area, Drainage Density, Width Function...

Presenter: Sarah Lewis

Jefferson et al., in press. Coevolution of hydrology and topography on a basalt landscape in the Oregon Cascade Range, USA. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.

Presenter: Jack Zunka

G.R. Aggett, J.P. Wilson, 2009. Creating and coupling a high-resolution DTM with a 1-D hydraulic model in a GIS for scenario-based assessment of avulsion hazard in a gravel-bed river, Geomorphology 113: 21-34

Presenter: Gordon Grant

the wonders of drainage density (no suggested reading)

Presenter: Jay Noller

metrics & methods w/GIS (no suggested reading)

Presenter: Stephen Lancaster

spectral analysis cont., (one week wasn't nearly enough)

Presenter: Stephen Lancaster

spectral analysis

Presenter: Andrew Meigs

Breaking News

February 27, 2010: Chile Earthquake

Presenter: Andrew Meigs

Talling et al., 1997. Regular spacing of drainage outlets from linear fault blocks, Basin Research 9:275-302.
