College of Forestry

Watershed Processes Group

Geomorphology Round Table Seminar Series

Geomorphology Brown Bag - Spring 2010
Tuesday 1-2 pm in ALS 3006
The Future of Geomorphology at OSU

The collaborative effort to create a forum at OSU for the discussion of all things geomorphological began in 1998. Our weekly brownbag seminar has given a geomorphology, by nature a cross-disciplinary science, a presence on campus, and provided an incredibly opportunity for student and faculty interaction.

In May, we will take this endeavor one step farther and host the first 2-day conference for Oregon geomorphologists , the Inagural "Bretz Club" at HJ Andrews.

This spring, along with our continued discussions of current geomorphological events, we will asses the state of geomorpholoy at OSU, and lead by the *Faculty of Geomorphology will develop a curriculum and learning outcomes for the future of geomorphology studies at OSU.

*Jay Noller, Andrew Meigs, Stephen Lancaster, Gordon Grant, Loren Davis

you can manage your subscription to the list serv here:
or email Sarah with questions about our seminar or to sign up to present.

Presenter: NO MEETING
Presenter: Andrew Meigs

Mexicali Earthquake

Presenter: Group

Debrief from Bretz Club

Presenter: Group

Discussion of current Geomorphology Faculty & Classes, programs at OSU

Presenter: Group

Continuing discussion of Future of Geomorphology

Presenter: Group

Mission and Vision for Geomorphology

Presenter: MG&G Seminar, Burt Hall 193

Discussion of the paleoseismic record of large earthquakes and locking of the shallow part of the plate boundary, led by Chris Goldfinger (OSU) and Ray Weldon (UofO).

Presenter: NO MEETING

sign up for the all day IRIC modeling workshop with Jon Nelson & Richard McDonald, USGS

Presenter: Group

Continuing discussion of Future of Geomorphology

Presenter: Group

Continuing discussion of Future of Geomorphology