College of Forestry

Watershed Processes Group

Geomorphology Round Table Seminar Series

Geomorphology Brown Bag - Fall 2013
Tuesday 12-1PM in Wilkinson 203
Student & Faculty Research Presentations

Welcome back to Geomorphology brownbag!

Although brownbag took a summer vacation, chance is your research didn't. Fall quarter we provide a forum for constructive feedback on advances in student (and faculty) research in geomorphology. There won't necessarily be papers to read, but we do ask that the presenters come prepared with something to engage our attention (maps/data/handouts/photos/video clips, etc...). You can provide an article in advance for us to discuss that is relevant to your research. Or you can just talk. We can be good listeners.

email Sarah to reserve a time slot, or visit to sign up for the list-serv.

Presenter: <strong>Julia Jones</strong> (CEOAS)

GEM SEMINAR WLKN 108 “Forest and Fluvial Geomorphology of the West Slope Western Cascades”.

Presenter: Jack Zunka

Scree, Lichen, and Cliffs: Scouting the Buffalo River, Ark  - PLUS Introductions & Sign ups

Presenter: Eric Kirby

Late Cenozoic landscape evolution along the western slope of the Colorado Rockies: A role for differential rock uplift driven by buoyant mantle?

Presenter: Lalo Guerrero

GSA Practice Poster

Presenter: Kris Richardson

Coulthard TJ & MJ Van de Wiel. 2013 Climate, tectonics or morphology: what signals can we see in drainage basin sediment yields? Earth Surf. Dynam. Discuss, 1, 67-91.

Presenter: Andrew Meigs

Overview of active tectonics of western Argentina

Presenter: Lalo Guerrero

Draft Manuscript review

Presenter: Robert Langridge, Guest Lecture

LiDAR collection and interpretation across the Alpine and Hope faults, New Zealand: Eyes through the rainforest.

Presenter: Jon Sanfilippo

Using Passive Integrated Transponders to Represent Sediment Transport in an Active Natural Channel

Presenter: Laura Hempel and Nick Cohn

AGU Practice Talks / Posters

Presenter: Eric McDonald, Desert Research Institute: Guest Lecture

Soil development as a tool for elucidating tectonic and climatic history: Examples from the Spanish Pyrenees and Mojave Desert