College of Forestry

Watershed Processes Group

Geomorphology Round Table Seminar Series

Geomorphology Round Table - Fall 2017
Wilkinson 203, Tuesdays noon to 1pm
If we knew what it was we were doing... would not be called research, would it? commonly attributed to Einstein, but sidebar on source of quote

Fall quarter brown bag is an informal forum to remind everyone what you are doing, report on the progress you've made, ask for feedback, or just show cool photos and make us envious of your adventures. We typically use the weeks before GSA and AGU for practice talks & posters. Please come prepared with something to engage our attention (maps/data/handouts/photos/video clips, etc) or provide an article in advance for us to discuss.

Presenter: Group

Introductions & Sign-ups

Presenter: Catalina S.

Sediment transport influence on primary production in rainfall dominated systems

Presenter: Anne&nbsp;<span>H-L.</span>
Using hydraulic modeling to evaluate connectivity improvements under alternative restoration scenarios in the Atchafalaya River Basin
Presenter: GSA Pratice Talks &amp; Posters
Presenter: No seminar

GSA in Seattle -For those not attending, watch the GSA lunchtime seminars (Sunday - Weds from 12:15 to 1:15pm)

Presenter: Andrew M. &amp; Sarah L.

Wadman, M., 2017. Disturbing allegations of sexual harassment in Antartica leveled at noted scientist. Science October 6, 2017. doi:10.1126/science.aaq1428.

Presenter: Eric K.

Water comes, water goes, and the Earth responds:  What lake shorelines can tell us about fluctuations in the Asian monsoon and the rheology of Tibetan middle crust.

Presenter: Carolyn G.

Cooler than being cool: Data visualization techniques for time series temperature data, Willamette River, OR

Presenter: Alexander R.

Yangtze River upstream-river network expansion reveals potential top-down incision

Presenter: Liz J.

A new angle on hillslope drainage modeling

Presenter: Laura H. &amp; Yann G.

The Role of Varying Flow on Channel Morphology: A Flume Experiment

Linking bedrock exhumation and fluvial terraces to constrain kinematics of the deformation front at multiple timescales in the Kashmir Himalaya, Northwest India.