College of Forestry

Watershed Processes Group

Geomorphic response of the Sandy River, Oregon, to removal of Marmot Dam

J.J. Major; J.E. O'Connor; C.J. Podolak; M.K. Keith; G.E. Grant; K.R. Spicer; S. Pittman; H.M. Bragg; J.R. Wallick; D.Q. Tanner; A. Rhode; P.R. Wilcock
Major JJ, O'Connor JE, Podolak CJ, Keith MK, Grant GE, Spicer KR, Pittman S, Bragg HM, Wallick JR, Tanner DQ et al.. 2012. Geomorphic response of the Sandy River, Oregon, to removal of Marmot Dam. :64.
Citation Key
Type of Publication
Government Report
Year of Publication