Friday April 28 & Saturday April 29, 2017
The 8th Annual Bretz Club is triumphantly returning to Rock Springs Ranch, Tumalo, Oregon.
PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED TO ATTEND ANY PORTION OF THE CONFERENCE: Registration is FULL as of 4/21/17. You may add your name to the waitlist and will be notified if space becomes available. Please note that you’ll need to create a user profile before you can register. If you don’t receive confirmation after you register, check your junk mail folder before contacting Conference Services.
The 2017 conference starts with your early evening arrival on Thursday April 27. Annie Johnston will be catering for us and will be providing dinner Thursday evening for those who pre-order. The ranch has 30 rooms with Queen beds, so you’ll be sharing a room. You can also volunteer to camp.
The technical program begins Friday, April 28 with three keynote talks by Gene Humphreys (University of Oregon), Kristin Sweeney (University of Portland) and Michele Punke (Historical Research Associates, Inc.). Attendees will also have a chance at their own contributions to provocative science by signing up for a pop-up talk (short 3 minute presentations on quite literally anything from ideas to announcements or otherwise) or bringing a poster. Friday evening we’ll have a poster session, along with scientific (and non-scientific) socializing, including our inexplicably popular raffle of participant-donated geomorphic items. If you are musically inclined, review and contribute to the Bretz song-book!
On Saturday, April 29, Danielle MacKay, Jim O'Connor and others will lead us on a field trip to nearby Newberry National Volcanic Monument: Newberry’s backside: glaciers? Lakes? Floods? The conference will conclude late afternoon following the field trip. Participants may turn back and head home at any time.
This year's cost for the 2-day (2 night) conference is $160 for professionals and $90 for students. If you register as a student you will be asked to fill a volunteer position during the conference. Registration is handled through OSU Conference Services. If you have any questions about billing please contact them directly.
Notes about registering this year:
- There is NEW dinner option for Thursday night. You must register and pay for this in advance.
- While the beds come with linens, you may want to bring your own sleeping bag, pillow in case youaren't comforatble sharing a bed with a semi-stranger. If you have a roomate preference, we can set that up in advance.
- Please BYOB & snacks for Thusrday & Friday evening festivities.
- Consider donating an item of geomorphological interest to our raffle. Tickets are $1 each ($5 minimum purchase).
Thursday, April 27th – Rock Springs Ranch, Tumalo, Oregon
Beginning at 4pm: Participants Check-in and receive lodging assignments.
6:30 pm: Dinner Service (for those who ordered in advance)
11:00 pm: Lodge cleanup. Remaining revelers are responsible for recycling their own refuse.
Friday, April 28th – Rock Springs Ranch, Tumalo, Oregon
7:30 am: Breakfast /Check-in for morning arrivals
8:30 am: Introductions
9:00 am: Key note #1: Gene Humphreys (University of Oregon) Part I. Making Oregon Part II. Faultless Tectonics
11:00 am: Key note #2: Kristin Sweeney (University of Portland) From lava flows to debris avalanches: reimagining model landscapes
1:00 pm: Lunch
2:00 pm: 3 minute Pop-ups on something geomorphological (those who preregister get preference)
4:00 pm: Poster Session
6:00 pm: Dinner
7:00 pm: Key note #3: Michele Punke (Historical Research Associates)
8:30pm Raffle & Networking
11:00 pm: Lodge cleanup. Remaining revelers are responsible for recycling their own refuse.
Saturday, April 29 - Field Trip: Interrelationships between extension, volcanism, and landscape evolution along the Sisters fault zone and NW Rift of Newberry Volcano: Daniele McKay, Jim O’Connor, Robert Jensen
7:30am Breakfast & make your own bag lunch
8:30am Pack up your cabin, assemble in front of Lodge – we will not be returning to Rock Springs!
9:00am Field trip departs Rock Springs Ranch (see field guide for details):
9:30 – 10:30 am Stop 1: Reconvene at base of Pilot Butte in Bend and consolidate vehicles for the drive to Stop 1: Top of Pilot Butte – Field trip introduction, general geology of Newberry and the Cascades, ice and water on Newberry.
11:15 am – 1:00 pm Stop 2: Dry waterfall NW of Evans Well – Newberry paleo-drainages, gravel fans, and Pleistocene history of Lake Millican. Also LUNCH. Access to Stop 2 requires about 8 miles (round trip) on well-maintained gravel roads (high clearance vehicles are not necessary). This stop also requires a short walk (<0.25 miles) across a rocky sagebrush flat with no trails. This will be our main stop and the subject of animated discussion until ~1:00 pm.
1:15 – 1:45 pm Stop 3: Lacustrine section along Hwy 20 – Ongoing discussion of the Pleistocene history of Lake Millican and Dry River Canyon, up close and personal inspection of lacustrine sediments.
2:00 – 2:30 pm Stop 4: Dry River Canyon Overlook – Outburst floods and draining of Lake Millican, how long did it take to cut Dry River Canyon?
The field trip will conclude at ~2:30 pm. Early departure is possible and easy at any time.
Brought to you by the Bretz Club Quality Control Panel: Sarah Lewis & Andrew Meigs (OSU), Jim O'Connor (USGS), Josh Roering (UO), Gordon Grant (USFS).