College of Forestry

Watershed Processes Group

Watershed Processes Group

Recent Publications


Legleiter, C., Grant, G., Bae, I., Fasth, B., Yager, E., White, D., Hempel, L., Harlan, M., Leonard, C., & Dudley, R., 9999, Submitted: Remote sensing of river discharge based on critical flow theory
L.A. Hempel, G.E. Grant, M. A. Hassan, S. L. Lewis, A.J. Jefferson, B. Fasth, 9999, Submitted: Hydrograph Shape and Adjustment Timescales Control Channel Organization in a Sand-Gravel Flume


L. Karlstrom, N. Klema, G.E. Grant, P. Sullivan, C. Finn, S. Cooley, B. Fasth, K. Cashman, A. Simpson, K. Ferrier, L. Ball, D. McKay, 2025, State shifts in the deep Critical Zone drive landscape evolution in volcanic terrains, PNAS


A.E. East; G.E. Grant, 2023, A watershed moment for western U.S. dams
X. Comas; S. Kruse; G. Grant; B. Hanson; L. Lyon, 2023, Envisioning a near-surface geophysics center for convergent science