College of Forestry

Watershed Processes Group

2010 Bretz Conference & Field Trip

Bretz Club 2010 Field Trip Group at Koosa Falls (5/8/10)
Inaugural Meeting!
H.J. Andrews Experimental Station, Blue River, Oregon

2010 Conference Director:

Sarah Lewis, Dept of Geosciences, Oregon State University

Pre-registration is required to attend any portion of this conference. Register Here

What is the Bretz club?
We are pleased to invite you to the inaugural 'Bretz Club', inspired by the wildly successful Gilbert Club, with a Pacific Northwest twist. We hope the Bretz Club will bring together Oregon geomorphologists and encourage new ideas, new friendships, and new collaborations amongst our fellow Oregonians.

On Friday May 7, 2010, invited speakers will present outrageous and provocative talks in the Bretz tradition. Attendees will have a chance at outrageousness in pop-ups (short 5 minute presentations), or in the poster session. On Saturday May 8, 2010, there will be a field trip lead by a contingent of provocative geomorphologists. Friends, colleagues, and students are all encouraged to attend.

The club will convene at the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest Research Station in Blue River, Oregon. We estimate the cost per person for the 2-days to be $120 (Students $80). Reservations are required.Register Here

Schedule (subject to change at any time without any notice):
Thursday May 6, 2010
Organizers and some participants arrive
No dinner, just lodging if requested.

Friday May 7, 2010- HJ Andrews Experimental Research Station

8am check-in begins:
Name tags & field trip guides distributed
Lodging assignments, payment confirmation
Coffee & pastries available
Posters may be hung in cafeteria & classroom

Key note #1: Jim O'Connor (USGS) - Overview and state of the art on the Missoula floods, J Harlen Bretz, other important early geomorphologists in Oregon, and their role in setting the course of fluvial geomorphology

10:30 am
Coffee break & Poster viewing

11:30 am
Key note #2: Jay Noller (OSU) – Overview of the art on fluvial geomorphology in Oregon state – the early Missoula floods and other important settings – and their role in the course of J Harlen Bretz geomorphologists.

12:30 pm
Catered Lunch & Poster viewing

1:30 pm
Pop-ups, Gilbert-club style

Coffee break & Poster viewing

4 pm
Key note #3: Fred Swanson (USFS) - What we've done and why - group reflections on 50 years of
geomorphology research in the Pacific Northwest

5pm – 6pm
libations, poster viewing

7 pm
Dinner (catered), more poster viewing.

Saturday May 8, 2010 – McKenzie River

7am Catered Breakfast and make your own lunch bar

8:30 am – 4:30pm
Field Trip led by Gordon Grant, Kathy Cashman, Natalia Deligne and Josh Roering “Geomorphology and landscape evolution of the western Cascades landscape”

4:30pm –Field Trip ends at Clear Lake (end of conference)

Need more information? email