College of Forestry

Watershed Processes Group

Geomorphology Round Table Seminar Series

Geomorphology Brown Bag - Winter 2005
Friday 12-1PM in ALS 3006
Quaternary Geochronology - Methods of Age Estimation


Having problems dating? We're here to help. Get advice from Master Geochronologist Jay Noller (or just buy his book) and the rest of our motely crew. The format of the discussion is up to you: read and discuss a journal article on a new method, present your innovative use of a traditional method, or explore the possibilities for dating your latest project...the possibilities are endless!

email Sarah to get on our weekly reminder list or sign up to present.

Presenter: Jay Noller

Introduction to Quaternary Geochronology

Presenter: Sarah (Brown) Lewis

Adventures in radiocarbon dating lake muck.
Please read this nice short Geology paper for an overview of the project. I will present details of the radiocarbon analysis from the long version (J of Paleolim).

00_Brownetal.pdf , Attachments:
Presenter: Anne Jefferson

Dating Young Groundwaters: how to answer the question that everyone keeps asking me

please read the first 10 pages of this article

Presenter: Stephen Lancaster

Do headwater valleys buffer fish-bearing streams from the effects of landscape disturbance? Using radiocarbon to understand sediment budgets in the Oregon Coast Range

Presenter: Brent Goehring

Lichenometric age dating of Little Ice Age features at Emmons Glacier, Mount Rainier, WA (optional reading)

Presenter: Group

Guilderson et al., 2005. The Boon and Bane of Radiocarbon Dating, Science 307:362-364

Presenter: Mariek Schmidt

Reconstructing the eruptive and glacial history of North Sister Volcano by absolute and relative dating techniques

Presenter: Group

Pan et al., 2003. A 900 k.y. record of strath and terrace formation during glacial-interglacial transitions in northwest China, Geology 31:957-960

Presenter: Brent Goehring

Nichols, Kyle K., Bierman, P.R., Caffee, M., Finkel, R. Larsen, J., 2003. Cosmogenically enables sediment budgeting. Geology 33(2): 133-136.

Presenter: Roger Lewis

Lead-210 and Monterey Bay Sediments