College of Forestry

Watershed Processes Group

Geomorphology Round Table Seminar Series

Geomorphology Brown Bag - Spring 2006
Friday 12-1PM in ALS 3006
Women in Geomorphology

Learn more about the women who help shape geomorphological thinking.

Related Seminars: World-Class Women in Water, Weds 4-5PM, ALS 4000.

email Sarah to get on our weekly reminder list or sign up to present

Presenter: Sarah

Choose papers for the quarter

Presenter: Barbara

Ellen Wohl: Prediction of mountain stream morphology
Wohl, Ellen E. & Merritt, David. In: Water Resources Research, Vol 41 W08419, doi:10.1029/2004WR003779, 2005.

Presenter: Jay

Lisa Wells: Holocene Coeveolution of the Physical Landscape and Human Settlement in Northen Coastal Peru

Wells,Lisa E. & Noller, Jay S. In. Geoarcheology, Vol 14 No 8 pp 755-789.

Presenter: Zeza

Gail Ashley: Possible Late Holocene equatorial palaeoclimate record based upon soils spanning the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age, Loboi Plain, Kenya.

Driese, S.G., Ashley, G.M., Li, Z., Hover, V.C., Owen, R.B. In. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 213 (2004) 231-250.

Presenter: Anne

Leal Mertes: Documentation and significance of the perirheic zone on innundated floodplains.1997 WRR 33(7) 1749-1762.

mertes 1997.pdf
Presenter: Stephen

Yvonne Martin: Numerical modelling of landscape evolution: geomorphological perspectives. Martin, Y. and Church, M. 2004. In. Progress in Physical Geography 28(3) 317–339.

Presenter: Shelia

Suzanne Anderson: Weathering profiles, mass-balance analysis, and rates of solute loss: Linkages between weathering and erosion in a small, steep catchment. Anderson, Dietrich & Brimhall. 2002. In. GSA Bulletin 114(9) 1143-1158.

Presenter: Emily

Mary Ann Madej: Development of channel organization and roughness following sediment pulses in single-thread, gravel bed rivers , Madej, Mary Ann In: Water Resources Research, August 2001, Vol. 37, Issue 8, pp.2259-2272.

Presenter: Jay

Marith Reheis: Late Quaternary eolian and alluvial response to paleoclimate, Canyonlands, southeastern Utah, Reheis et al., 2005, GSA Bulletin 117(7/8) 1051-1069.

CanyonLands GSAB.pdf
Presenter: Sarah

Beverly Wemple: “Forest roads and geomorphic process interactions, Cascade Range, Oregon” Wemple, B. C., F. J. Swanson, and J. A. Jones, 2001. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 26: 191-204.
