College of Forestry

Watershed Processes Group

Geomorphology Round Table Seminar Series

Geomorphology Brown Bag - Winter 2008
Friday 12-1PM in ALS 3096


"The loveliest fleet of islands that lies anchored in any ocean”
Mark Twain on Hawaii

Please provide a paper copy or pdf a week in advance to allow the group time to read the article.

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Presenter: NO MEETING
Presenter: Group

Introduction to Hawaiian Geology.
USGS Professional Paper 1350 Volume 1; please read selected intro sections; (optional complete Chapter 1 Part I; Chapter 7)

Presenter: Terry Frueh

Calhoun RS, Fletcher CH, 1999. Measured and predicted sediment yield from a subtropical, heavy rainfall, steep-sided river basin: Hanalei, Kauai, Hawaiian Islands Geomorphology 30(3): 213-226.

Presenter: Jay Noller

Crews et al., 1995. Changes in soil phosphorous fractions and ecosystem dynamics across a long chronosequence in Hawaii Ecology 76(5):1407-1424.

Presenter: Andrew Meigs

James G. Moore,Wiliam R. Normark, Robin T. Holcomb 1994a. Giant Hawaiian Landslides. Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 22:119-144.
summary paper: Moore; Normark; Holcomb 1994b. Giant Hawaiian Underwater Landslides. Science. 264(5155): 46-47.
further reading: Andrea Borgia, Paul T. Delaney, Roger P. Denlinger. 2000. Spreading Volcanoes. Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 28:539–70.

Presenter: Beth Copeland

Porter, S. 2005. Pleistocene snowlines and glaciation of the Hawaiian Islands Quaternary International 138-139: 118-128.

Presenter: Rose Wallick

Lamb et al. 2007. Formation of ampitheater-headed valleys by waterfall erosion after large-scale slumping on Hawai'i. GSA Bulletin 199(7/8): 805-822.

Presenter: Gordon Grant & Sarah Lewis

J. Hoover Mackin. 1963. Rational and Empirical Methods of Investigation in Geology in Fabric of Geology, C.C. Albritton, ed. Freeman, Cooper & Company, Stanford, California.

Presenter: Stephen Lancaster

Seidl, MA, Dietrich, W.E., Kirchner, J.W. 1994. Longitudinal Profile Development into Bedrock: An Analysis of Hawaiian Channels. Journal of Geology 102: 457-474.

Presenter: Melanie Malone & Sarah Hash

Chadwick, OA, EF Kelly, SC Hotchkiss, PM Vitousek. 2007. Precontact vegetation and soil nutrient status in the shadow of Kohala Volcano, Hawaii. Geomorphology 89:70-83
