College of Forestry

Watershed Processes Group

Geomorphology Round Table Seminar Series

Geomorphology Brown Bag - Winter 2009
Human Ecology of Landscapes and Watersheds


Survey of current literature on interdisciplinary archaeology and geomorphological practice – methods and approaches to landscape ecological science.

Please provide a paper copy or pdf a week in advance to allow the group time to read the article.

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Presenter: Andrew Meigs

Uncertainty in Kashmir (rescheduled from Fall 08)

Presenter: Loren Davis

Davis, L. 2007. Paleoseismicity, ecological change, and prehistoric exploitation of andromous fishes in the Salmon River Basin, western Idaho, USA. North American Archaeologist, 28(3) 233-263.

Presenter: Gordon Grant

Zimmerman & Ratliff 2003. Controls on the Distribution and Life History of Fish Populations in the Deschutes River: Geology, Hydrology and Dams. In A Peculiar River, JE O'Connor and GE Grant eds. Water Science and Application 7, AGU.

Presenter: Loren Davis

Erlandson et al., 2008. Life on the edge: early maritime cultures of the Pacific Coast of North America. Quaternary Science Reviews 27: 2232–2245.

Turns out there's a bit of controversy around this read the backstory see: additional files

2008_Erlandsonetal.pdf , Attachments:
2008_DavisCRP.pdf , Attachments:
2004_Davisetal.pdf , Attachments:
2006_Mossetal.pdf , Attachments:
Presenter: Jay Noller

Noller, 2001. Archaeoseismology: Shaking Out the History of Humans and Earthquakes, in Earth Sciences and Archaeology, Goldberg, Holliday and Ferring, eds. Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York p143-170.

Presenter: Chris Madden

Galli and Naso, 2009. Unmasking the 1349 earthquake source (southern Italy): paleoseismological and archaeoseismological indications from the Aquae Iuliae fault. Journal of Structural Geology 31: 128-149.

Presenter: Daniel Contreras, Stanford

Contreras, D., 2009. Reconstructing landscape at Chavin de Huantar, Peru: A GIS-based approach. Journal of Archaeological Science 36:1006-1017

Presenter: Jack Zunka

Holocene climatic change and human settlement between the central Sahara and the Nile Valley - Archaeological and geomorphological results

Presenter: Beth Copeland

Floodplain Development, El Niño, and Cultural Consequences in a Hyperarid Andean Environment

Presenter: Rose Wallick

Floodplain degradation and settlement history in Wadi al-Wala and Wadi ash-Shallalah, Jordan
