College of Forestry

Watershed Processes Group

Geomorphology Round Table Seminar Series

Geomorphology Brown Bag - Winter 2011
Tuesday noon to 1 pm in ALS 3096
How to Review a Journal Publication


Each week a presenter (that means you, grad students!) will offer a key reference paper cited in their thesis/dissertation/paper introduction. During the session, we will spend the first 20-25 min reviewing the paper on scientific merits; whilst the second half we deconstruct the paper to learn how the paper was put together to make it (presumably) successful in delivering its message. The outcome is that we all learn how to better review and construct a scientific paper....and have quite a bit of fun along the way.

email Sarah to sign up to present

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Presenter: Jay Noller

Journal publication review by means of paper cutouts - bring scissors & tape!
Schumm & Rea, 1995. Sediment yield from disturbed earth systems, Geology, doi: 10.1130/0091-7613, v. 23 no. 5 p. 391-394

Presenter: Terry Frueh

Dietrich & Dunne, 1978. Sediment budget for a small catchment in mountainous terrain, Zeitschift fur Geomorphologie Suppl. Bd. 29:191-206.

Presenter: Loren Davis

Rolfe Mandel's "Buried paleoindian-age landscapes in stream valleys of the central plains, USA"

Presenter: Chris Madden

Active structures of the Himalayan-Tibetan orogen and their relationships to earthquake distribution, contemporary strain field, and Cenozoic volcanism by Michael Taylor and An Yin.

Presenter: Lalo Guerrero

Wegmann et al. Position of the Snake River watershed divide as an indicator of geodynamic processes in the greater Yellowstone region, western North America. Geosphere (2007) vol. 3 (4) pp. 272

Presenter: Jack Zunka

Madej, M. A., D. G. Sutherland, T. E. Lisle, and B. Pryor (2009), Channel responses to varying sediment input: A flume experiment modeled after Redwood Creek, California, Geomorphology, 103(4), 507 – 519, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2008.07.017.

Presenter: NO MEETING
Presenter: Allison Danner

Bewley, D., Y. Alila, and A. Varhola (2010), Variability of snow water equivalent and snow energetics across a large catchment subject to Mountain Pine Beetle infestation and rapid salvage logging, Journal of Hydrology, 388(3-4), 464-479, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2010.05.031.

Presenter: Mohammad Safeeq

Westerling et al. (2006) Warming and Earlier Spring Increase Western U.S. Forest Wildfire Activity: Science 18 August 2006: 313(5789) 940-943
DOI: 10.1126/science.1128834

Presenter: Nick Legg

Mitchell, S.G., and Montgomery, D.R., 2006, Influence of a glacial buzzsaw on the height and morphology of the Cascade Range in central Washington State, USA: Quaternary Research, v. 65, no. 1, p. 96–107.