College of Forestry

Watershed Processes Group

Geomorphology Round Table Seminar Series

Geomorphology Round Table - Fall 2016
Wilkinson 203, Tuesdays noon to 1pm
Current Research

Welcome to a brand new year of Geomorphology Round Table!  Fall quarter we focus on sharing our own research. You can tell us how you spent your summer, ask us to read a manuscript draft, practice for your AGU presentation, or lead a discussion on a newly published article. Anything goes, as long as it's current.

Presenter: Group

Introductions & Sign-ups (for those not attending GSA in Denver)

Presenter: Laura Hempel

Flume show & tell

Presenter: Scott Feehan

Sandbar Aeolian Dune Exchange Experiment (Sedex)2

Presenter: Chris Goldfinger

GSA 2016 Kirk Bryan Award Lecture:

Sub-aqueous paleoseismology: Site selection, phyiography, sediment supply, current dynamics and temporal considerations as applied in Cascadia and elsewhere.

Presenter: Group

Geomorphic (and seismologic) perspective on the proposed OSU Marine Studies Initiative (MSI) building at Hatfield.

A history via media coverage and social media: (OSU visioning) (follow the money) (Marine Studies Initiative)  (panel discussion) (New building) (a reality/geology check) (oversight panel creation) (oversight concerns)

Video of tsunami inundation, Japan 2011:

Presenter: Carolyn Gombert

Evolution of off-channel habitat and cold water refuges on the Willamette River

Presenter: Rebecca Flitcroft

Thinking like a fish: Relationships among discharge, temperature and habitat in Oregon rivers.

Presenter: Andrew Meigs

NZ Earthquakes of 13 November 2016 (and maybe a little of my summer vacation)

Presenter: Gordon Grant & Sarah Lewis

Evaluating hydro-geomorphic risk near a restless volcano: the Spirit Lake story


Presenter: Laura Hempel

Practice AGU talk: Hydrograph Shape Controls Channel Morphology and Organization in a Sand-Gravel Flume

Presenter: Group

Choose topic for next quarter