College of Forestry

Watershed Processes Group

Geomorphology Round Table Seminar Series

Geomorphology Round Table - Fall 2019
Tuesdays, 12-1 PM in Wilkinson 203
Current Research
Presenter: Group


Presenter: Andrew Meigs

Thinking Out Loud with Sami - Glacial Rebound in Southern Alaska 

Presenter: Katherine Worms

Paleoredox Conditions, Paleoproductivity, and Depositional Environment of an Eocene Black Shale: Mahogany Zone, Green River Formation, Eastern Uinta Basin, Utah

Presenter: George Snyder

SoCal be flexin': Coastal deformation driven by Quaternary sea-level change in the California Channel Islands

Presenter: Tessa Artruc

Something About Dams: numerical modeling of lateral erosion during reservoir drawdown

Presenter: Frank Sousa

Evaluating Outliers in Thermochron Data

Presenter: Stephen Lancaster

A Sentimental Geology of the Scottish Highlands: Day Trips into the Proterozoic

Presenter: Eric Kirby

Accelerated Miocene incision of the Yangtze River driven by headward drainage basin expansion

Presenter: Danielle Woodring

Low-temperature thermochronologic signature of range-divide migration and breaching in the North Cascades

Presenter: Group

AGU Practice