College of Forestry

Watershed Processes Group


Displaying 101 - 197 of 197 Publications


Burkholder BK, Grant GE, Haggerty R, Khangaonkar T, Wampler PJ. 2008. Influence of hyporheic flow and geomorphology on temperature of a large, gravel-bed river, Clackamas River, Oregon, USA. Hydrological Processes. 22:941-953. | PDF | View online
Major JJ, O'Connor JE, Grant GE, Spicer KR, Bragg HM, Rhode A, Tanner DQ, Anderson CW, Wallick JR. 2008. Initial fluvial response to the removal of Oregon's Marmot Dam. EOS. 89:241-252. | PDF | View online


Thompson J, Grant G. 2007. Running Dry: Where will the West get its water? Science Findings. :9. | PDF | View online
Jefferson A, Grant G, Lewis SL. 2007. A river runs underneath it: geologic control of spring and channel systems and management implications, Cascade Range, Oregon. Advancing the Fundamental Sciences: procceedings of the Forest Service national earth sciences conference. PNW-GTR-689:391-400. | View online
McDonnell JJ, Sivapalan M, Vaché K, Dunn S, Grant G, Haggerty R, Hinz C, Hooper R, Kirchner J, Roderick ML et al.. 2007. Moving beyond heterogeneity and process complexity: A new vision for watershed hydrology. Water Resources Research. 43 | PDF | View online
Tague CL, Farrell M, Grant G, Lewis S, Rey S. 2007. Hydrogeologic controls on summer stream temperatures in the McKenzie River basin, Oregon. Hydrological Processes. 21:3288-3300. | PDF | View online


Stewart G. 2006. Patterns and processes of sediment transport follwoing sediment-filled dam removal in gravel bed rivers. Geosciences. PhD:87.
Jefferson A. 2006. Hydrology and geomorphic evolution of basaltic landscapes, High Cascades, Oregon. Geosciences. PhD:180. | View online
Sakals MJ, Innes D, Wilford RC, Sidle RC, Grant GE. 2006. The role of forests in reducing hydrogeomorphic hazards. Forest Snow and Landscape Research. 80:11-22. | PDF | View online
Thompson J, Grant G. 2006. Does wood slow down 'sludge dragons?' The interaction between riparian zones and debris flows in mountain landscapes Science Findings. 86:6. | PDF
Piegay H, Grant GE, Nakamura F, Trustrum NA. 2006. Braided River Management: From assessment of river behavior to improved sustainable development. Braided River: Process, Deposits, Ecology and Management No. 36. :257-275. | PDF | View online
Jefferson A, Nolin A, Lewis SL, Payne M, Grant G. 2006. Climate Variability, Snowmelt Distribution, and Effects on Streamflow in a Cascades Watershed. Eastern Snow Conference. :51-54. | PDF
Stewart G, Grant G. 2006. What can we learn from the removal of little dinky dams? Watershed Management Conference. | PDF | View online
Wallick J R, Lancaster ST, Bolte JP. 2006. Determination of bank erodibility for natural and anthropogenic bank materials using a model of lateral migration and observed erosion along the Willamette River, Oregon, USA. River Research and Applications. 22:631-649. | PDF | View online
Lancaster ST, Grant G. 2006. Debris dams and the relief of headwater streams. Geomorphology. 82:84-97. | PDF | View online
Hunt AG, Grant G.E, Gupta VK. 2006. Spatio-temporal scaling of channels in braided streams. Journal of Hydrology. 322:192-198. | PDF | View online
Jefferson A, Grant G, Rose T. 2006. Influence of volcanic history on groundwater patterns on the west slope of the Oregon High Cascades. Water Resources Research. 42 | PDF | View online


Hassan MA, Church M, Lisle TE, Brardinoni F, Benda L, Grant GE. 2005. Sediment transport and channel morphology of small forested streams. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 41:853-876. | PDF | View online
Thompson J, Grant G. 2005. Out, Out, Dam Spot! The geomorphic response of rivers to dam removal. Science Findings. 71:6. | PDF


Wampler PJ. 2004. Contrasting styles of geomorphic response to climatic, anthropogenic and fluvial change across modern to millenial time scales, Clackamas River, Oregon. Geology. PhD:398.
Wallick JR. 2004. Geology, Flooding and Human Activities: Establishing a hierachy of influence for controls on historic channel change, Willamette River, Oregon. Geosciences. M.S.:172.
Tague CL, Grant GE. 2004. A geological framework for interpreting the low-flow regimes of Cascade streams, Willamette River Basin, Oregon. Water Resources Research. 40 | PDF


Doyle M, Stanley E, Harbor J, Grant G. 2003. Dam Removal in the United States: Emerging Needs for Science and Policy. EOS. 84:32-33. | PDF
Lancaster ST, Hayes SK, Grant GE. 2003. Effects of wood on debris flow runout in small mountain watersheds. Water Resources Research. 39:1168. | PDF | View online
Duncan S, Grant G. 2003. Clarifying muddy water: probing the linkages to municipal water quality. Science Findings. 59:6. | PDF
O'Connor JE, Grant GE. 2003. A Peculiar River. Water Science and Application. 7:219. | View online
Grant G, Schmidt JC, Lewis SL. 2003. A geological framework for interpreting downstream effects of dams on rivers. A Peculiar River. Water Science and Application 7:209-225. | PDF | View online
Fassnacht H, McClure EM, Grant GE, Klingeman PC. 2003. Downstream effects of the Pelton-Round Butte Hydroelectric Project on bedload transport, channel morphology and channel-bed texture, Lower Deschutes River, Oregon. A Peculiar River. Water Science and Application 7:169-202. | PDF | View online
O'Connor JE, Grant G, Haluska TL. 2003. Overview of Geology, Hydrology, Geomorphology and Sediment Budget of the Deschutes River Basin, Oregon. A Peculiar River. Water Science and Application 7:7-30. | PDF | View online
O'Connor JE, Curran JH, Beebee RA, Grant G, Sarna-Wojcicki A. 2003. Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology of the Lower Deschutes River Canyon, Oregon. A Peculiar River. Water Science and Application 7:73-94. | PDF | View online
Lancaster ST, Grant GE. 2003. You want me to predict what? Prediction in Geomorphology. :41-50. | PDF | View online
Wilcock PR, Schmidt JC, Wolman MG, Dietrich WE, Dominick D, Doyle M, Grant GE, Iverson RM, Montgomery DR, Pierson T et al.. 2003. When models meet managers: Examples from geomorphology. Prediction in Geomorphology. :27-40. | PDF | View online


O'Connor JE, Grant GE, Costa JE. 2002. The Geology and Geography of Floods. Ancient Floods, Modern Hazards: Principles and Application of Paleoflood Hydrology. 5:359-385. | PDF
Duncan S, Grant G. 2002. Geology as Destiny: Cold waters run deep in western Oregon. Science Findings. 49:6. | PDF
Hulse D, Grant G, Niemi E, Branscomb A, Diethelm D, Ulrich R, Whitelaw E. 2002. Muddy waters: how floods clarify evolving relationships among landscape processes and resource management decision-making in municipal watersheds. EPA/NSF Final Project Report GAD#R825822. :32. | PDF


Lancaster ST, Hayes SK, Grant GE. 2001. Modeling sediment and wood storage and dynamics in small mountainous watershed. Geomorphic Process and Riverine Habitat. :85-102. | PDF | View online
Braudrick CA, Grant, Gordon E. 2001. Transport and deposition of large woody debris in streams: a flume experiment. Geomorphology. 41:263-283. | PDF | View online
Jones JA, Grant G.E. 2001. Comment on 'Peak flow responses to clear-cutting and roads in small and large basins, Western Cascades, Oregon: A second opinion' by R. B. Thomas and W. F. Megahan. Water Resources Research. 37:175-178. | PDF | View online
Jones JA, Grant G.E. 2001. Comment on 'Peak flow responses to clear-cutting and roads in small and large basins, Western Cascades, Oregon' by J. A. Jones and G. E. Grant. Water Resources Research. 37:179-180. | PDF | View online
Grant GE. 2001. Dam Removal: Panacea or Pandora for rivers? Hydrological Processes. 15:1531-1532. | PDF | View online


Madej MAnn. 2000. Patterns of hillslope and channel recovery following disturbances in steep, forested basins. Geosciences. PhD:184.
Duan J, Grant GE. 2000. Shallow landslide delineation for steep forest watersheds based on topographic attributes and probability analysis. Terrain analysis: Principles and Applications. :311-329. | PDF | View online
Braudrick CA, Grant, Gordon E. 2000. When do logs move in rivers? Water Resources Research. 36:571-583. | PDF | View online
Johnson SL, Swanson FJ, Grant GE, Wondzell SM. 2000. Riparian forest disturbance by a mountain flood: the influence of floated wood.. Hydrological Processes. 14:3031-3050. | PDF | View online
Post DA, Jones JA, Grant GE. 2000. Datasets from long-term ecological research (LTER) sites and their use in ecological hydrology. Water Resources Impact. 2:37-40. | PDF | View online
Duncan S, Grant G. 2000. Seen one dam, seen 'em all?: The surprising story of the Deschutes River Science Findings. 25:6. | PDF


Grant GE. 1999. Reply to Comment on 'Critical flow constrains flow hydraulics in mobile-bed streams: A new hypothesis by G. E. Grant'. Water Resources Research. 35:907-907. | PDF | View online
Grant G, Fassnacht H, McClure EM, Klingeman PC. 1999. Downstream effects of the Pelton Round Butte on bedload transport, channel morphology and channel bed texure. :111.
O'Connor J, Grant G, Curran JH, Fassnacht H. 1999. Geomorphology of the Deschutes River below Pelton Round Butte Dam Complex, Oregon. Final Report to PGE. :102.


McClure EM. 1998. Spatial and temporal trends in bed material and channel morphology below a hydroelectric dam complex, Deschutes River, Oregon. Civil Engineering, Geology. M.S.:85.
Fassnacht H. 1998. Frequency and magnitude of bedload transport downstream of the Pelton-Round Butte Dam Complex, lower Deschutes River, Oregon. Civil Engineering, Geosciences. M.S.:311.
Braudrick CA. 1998. Entrainment, transport, and deposition of large woody debris in streams: results from a series of flume experiments. Geology. M.S.:87.
Duan J, Grant G. 1998. Modeling snow accumulation and melt in mountain watersheds. 13th Conference on Hydrology.
Post DA, Grant G, Jones JA. 1998. New developments in ecological hydrology expand research opportunities. EOS. 79:517. | PDF | View online
Duncan S, Swanson FJ, Grant G. 1998. Lessons from a Flooded Landscape. Science Findings. 1:5. | PDF
Cissel J, Swanson FJ, Grant G, and others. 1998. A disturbance-based landscape plan for a managed forest ecosystem. The Augusta Creek study. PNW-GTR-422:82. | View online


Grant GE. 1997. A geomorphic basis for the hydrologic behavior of large river systems. River Quality: Dynamics and Restoration. :105-116. | PDF | View online
Grant G. 1997. Dynamics and geomorphology of mountain rivers [Book Review]. Journal of the North American Benthological Society. 16:719-720.
Braudrick CA, Grant, Gordon E, Ishikawa Y, Ikeda H. 1997. Dynamics of Wood transport in Streams: A Flume Experiment. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 22:669-683. | PDF | View online
Grant GE. 1997. Critical flow constrains flow hydraulics in mobile-bed streams: A new hypothesis. Water Resources Research. 33:349-358. | PDF | View online


Duan J, Grant GE. 1996. Comment on 'A Distributed Hydrology-Vegetation Model for Complex Terrain' by Mark S. Wigmosta, Lance W. Vail, and Dennis P. Lettenmaier. Water Resources Research. 32:211-212. | PDF | View online
Wemple BC, Jones JA, Grant G. 1996. Channel network extension by logging roads in two basins, western Cascades, Oregon. Water Resources Bulletin. 32:1195-1207. | PDF | View online
Jones JA, Grant G.E. 1996. Peak Flow Responses to Clear-Cutting and Roads in Small and Large Basins, Western Cascades, Oregon. Water Resources Research. 32:959-974. | PDF | View online
Swanson FJ, Jones JA, Grant G. 1996. The physical environment as a basis for managing ecosystems. Creating a Forestry for the 21st Century: The science of ecosystem management. :451-468.


Grant GE, Swanson FJ. 1995. Morphology and processes of valley floors in mountain stresm, western Cascades, Oregon. Natural and Anthropogenic Influences in Fluvial Geomorphology: the Wolman Volume. 89:83-101. | PDF
Duan J, Sikka AK, Grant G. 1995. A comparison of stochastic models for generating daily precipitation at the H J Andrews Experimental Forest. Northwest Science. 69:318-329.
Montgomery DR, Grant GE, Sullivan K. 1995. Watershed analysis as a framework for implementing ecosystem management. Water Resources BulletinWater Resources Bulletin. 31:369-386. | PDF | View online
Williamson KJ, Bella DA, Beschta RL, Grant G, Klingeman PC, Li HW, Nelson PO. 1995. Gravel disturbance impacts on salmon habitat and stream health. Report prepared for the Oregon Division of State Lands. :45.
Grant GE. 1995. Watershed analysis on the public lands: where are we now and where should we be going? Proceedings of the Fourth Watershed Management Council Workshop. Water Resources Center Report No. 86:49-53.


Grant GE. 1994. Hydraulics and sediment transport dynamics controlling step-pool formation in high gradient streams: a flume experiment.. Dynamics and geomorphology of mountain rivers.
Grant GE. 1994. Introduction to Watershed Analysis. Watershed Management Council Newsletter. 6:1-17.
Grant, Gordon E, McCain C, Cissel J. 1994. Summary of the watershed-landscape analysis workshop. PNW GTR 338:68. | PDF


Yajima S, Ishikawa Y, Grant G. 1993. Experiments on transport and deposition of woody debris in channels. Journal of the Japanese Sabo Society. 6:205-206.
Thomas JW, Raphael MG, Anthony RG, Grant G, and others. 1993. Viability assessments and management considerations for species associated with late-successional and old-growth forests of the Pacific Northwest. :17.


Brooks DJ, Grant GE. 1992. New Approaches to Forest Management: background, science issues and research agenda, Part I. Journal of Forestry. 90:25-28. | PDF | View online
Brooks DJ, Grant GE. 1992. New Approaches to Forest Management: background, science issues and research agenda, Part II. Journal of Forestry. 90:21-24. | PDF | View online
Grant GE, Koerper G, Duval J, Fogg J. 1992. XSPRO: An interactive software program for analyzing cross-sections of high-gradient stream channels.. :54.
Swanson FJ, Neilson RP;, Grant GE. 1992. Some emerging issues in watershed management: landscape pattern, species conservation, and climate change. New Perspectives for Watershed Management: Balancing Long-Term Sustainability with Cumulative Environmental Change. :207-232.
Grant GE, Mizuyama T. 1992. Origin of step-pool sequences in high-gradient streams: a flume experiment. Japan-U.S. Symposium on Snow Avalanche, Landslide, and Debris Flow Prediction and Control. :523-532. | PDF
Swanson FJ, Nakamura F, Grant G. 1992. The settings of erosion research and management in Japan and the western U.S.. Japan-US Workshop on SnowAvalanche, Landslide and Debris Flow Prediction and Control. :517-522.


Grant GE, Wolff AL. 1991. Long-term patterns of sediment transport after timber harvest, western Cascade Mountains, Oregon, USA. Sediment and Stream Water Quality in a Changing Environment: Proceedings of the Vienna IAHS Symposium, International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publication No. 203. :31-40. | PDF
Swanson FJ, Wondzell SM, Grant GE. 1991. Landforms, disturbances and ecotones. Landscape Boundaries: Consequences for Biotic Diversity and Ecological Flows. :305-323.
Grant GE, Swanson FJ. 1991. Cummulative effects of forest practices. Forest Perspectives. 1:9-11. | PDF
Ryan S, Grant GE. 1991. Downstream effects of timber harvesting on channel morphology in Elk River basin, Oregon.. Journal of Environmental Quality. 20:60-72. | View online


Grant GE. 1990. Hydrologic, geomorphic, and aquatic habitat implications of old and new forestry. Symposium on Forests: Wild and Managed: Differences and Consequences. :35-53.
Grant GE. 1990. Long-term patterns of sediment transport following timber harvest, western Cascade Mountains, Oregon.. The Northwest Environmental Journal. 6:413-414.
Grant GE, Swanson FJ, Wolman MG. 1990. Pattern and origin of stepped-bed morphology in high-gradient streams, Western Cascades, Oregon. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. 102:340-352. | PDF | View online
Grant GE, Harr RD, Leavesley G. 1990. Effects of forest land use on watershed hydrology: a modeling approach.. The Northwest Environmental Journal. 6:414-415.


Grant GE. 1989. Morphology of high gradient streams at different spatial scales, Western Cascades, Oregon. Shizuoka Workshop on Channel Geomorphological Change and the Control of Sedimentary Load in Devastated Streams. :1-12.


Grant GE. 1988. The RAPID technique: A new method for evaulating downstream effect of forest practices on riparian zones. :36. | PDF


Swanson FJ, Benda L, Duncan S, Grant G, Megahan WF, Reid LM, Zeimer RR. 1987. Mass failures and other processes of sediment production in Pacific Northwest forest landscapes. Streamside Management: Forestry and Fishery Interactions. Contibution No. 57:9-38.
Grant GE. 1987. Assessing the effects of peak flow increases on stream channels - a rational approach. California Watershed Management Conference.


Sullivan K, Lisle TE, Dolloff C.A, Grant GE, Reid LM. 1986. Stream channels--the link between forests and fishes.. Streamside Management: Forestry and Fishery Interactions. Contribution No. 57:39-97.
Grant GE. 1986. An assessment technique for evaluating off-site effects of timber harvest activities on stream channels. American Geophysical Union meeting on cumulative effects.
Grant GE. 1986. Sediment movement at the Oregon LTER site. Sediment movement at LTER sites: mechanics, measurement and integration with hydrology. :4-9.


Swanson FJ, Graham RL, Grant GE. 1985. Some effects of slope movements on river channels. International Symposium on Erosion, Debris Flow and Disaster Prevention. :273-278.


Grant GE, Crozier MJ, Swanson FJ. 1984. An approach to evaluating off-site effects of timber harvest activities on channel morphology. Symposium on the effects of forest land-use on erosion and slope stability. :177-186. | PDF