College of Forestry

Watershed Processes Group

Geomorphology Round Table Seminar Series

Geomorphology Brown Bag - Spring 2004
Friday 12-1PM in ALS 3006
Natural Dams in Fluvial Systems


Provide a paper copy or pdf a week in advance for the group to read. Be prepared to give a short summary of the article, background or context when necessary, and lead the discussion.

email Sarah to get on our weekly reminder list or sign up to present

Presenter: Andrew Meigs & Meghan Blair

Timescales of glacier dam and reservoir filling and excavation

(Gordon - popcorn & cookies)

Presenter: Greg Stewart

Sutherland, et al., 2002. Evolution of a landslide induced sediment wave in the Navarro River, California. GSA Bulletin 114(8):1036-1048.

(Sarah - grapes & Jelly beans)

Presenter: Anne Jefferson

Knudsen, O. and Marren, P. 2002. Sedimentation in a volcanically dammed valley, Bruarjokull, northeast Iceland. Quaternary Science Reviews, 21:1677-1692.

(Nathan - chips & salsa, olives)

Presenter: Rose Wallick

Costa, John E.; Schuster, Robert L. 1988. The formation and failure of natural dams. GSA Bulletin 100(7): 1054-1068. (pdf).
plus bonus video footage of river rapids!

(Michelle - ice cream)

Presenter: Josh Wyrick

O'Connor, J.E., and V.R. Baker, 1992, "Magnitudes and implications of peak discharges from glacial Lake Missoula," GSA Bulletin, v. 104, pp 267-279. (pdf) Josh's Thesis: How a glacial dam break in Montana created streamlined islands in Washington, and other stories of flood morphology (abstract).

(Greg - chocolate cookies)

Presenter: NO MEETING

Cordilleran GSA / Field Trips

Presenter: NO MEETING

Geosciences Thesis Proposal Talks - ALL DAY - Wilkinson Hall

Presenter: Dick Marston, Wilkinson 231

Effects of Jackson Lake Dam on the Snake River and its Floodplain, Grand Teton National Park, WY (no reading).

Joint with Geosciences Geography Seminar

Presenter: Gordon Grant

Dam Removal: the good, the bad, the ugly (no reading)

Presenter: Stephen Lancaster

Brocard et al., 2003. Long-term fluvial incision rates and postglacial river relaxation time in the French Western Alps from 10Be dating of alluvial terraces with assessment of inheritance, soil development and wind ablation effects. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 209: 197-214