College of Forestry

Watershed Processes Group

Geomorphology Round Table Seminar Series

Geomorphology Brown Bag - Winter 2015
Tuesday 12 - 1 pm in Wilkinson 203
Willamette Valley Geomorphology

Explore the tectonics/structure, the river, the sediments, the soils, the vegetation, the people.

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Presenter: Group

Resources on the Willamette Valley: Willamette Valley Atlas; Willamette Basin Explorer; Orr & Orr Chapter on the Willamette Valley

Presenter: Eric Kirby

Yeats paper on the Willamette valley.  It’s a long, data-rich paper, so focus on the introduction, the structure, and the discussion regarding the age and mechanism of valley subsidence. You can skim the descriptions of the different geologic units and leave those details for Jim in week 5.

Presenter: Lalo Guerrero

Bretz, J. Harlen 1969. The Lake Missoula Floods and the Channeled Scabland. The Journal of Geology, 77(5) 505-543. Additional reading: Bretz, J.Harlen 1923. The Channeled Scablands of the Columbia Plateau. The Journal of Geology, 31(8) 617-649.

1969_Bretz.pdf , Attachments:
Presenter: Loren Davis

Geoarchaeology of the Willamette Valley ; Chapter 5 "The Willamette Valley" from Oregon Archaeology, pg 284-327 and Prehistory of the Lower Columbia and Willamette Valley, by Richard M. Pettigrew pg 518 - 529.

geoarcheaology.pdf , Attachments:
Presenter: Jim O'Connor, USGS

Gravel Transport and the Willamette River: O'Connor et al, 2014. Geologic and physiographic controls on bed-material yield, transport, and channel morphology for alluvial and bedrock rivers, western Oregon. GSA Bulletin 126:377-397.

Presenter: Eric Kirby

Returning to the question of why the Valley is, well, a valley: Fuller, Willett & Brandon, 2006. Formation of forearc basins and their influence on subduction zone earthquakes, Geology 34:65-68.

Presenter: John Trimble

McNeil et al., 2000. Tectonics of the Neogene Cascadia forearc basin, GSA Bulletin 112:1209-1224.

Presenter: Na Hyung Choi

Evarts et al., 2009. The Portland Basin: A (big) river runs through it. GSA Today 19(9):4-10 doi: 10.1130/GSATG58A.1

Presenter: Mike Olsen, Civil & Construction Engineering

Three fancy algorithms for landslide detection using various forms of lidar data (with a side explanation of USGS 3D elevation plan)


Conner, J., & Olsen, M.J., (2014). “Automated quantification of distributed landslide movement using circular tree trunks extracted from terrestrial laser scan data,” Computers and Geosciences, 67, 31-39.

Leshchinsky, B., Olsen, M.J., & Tanyu, B. (2015).  “Contour Connection Method for Automated Identification and Classification of Landslide Deposits,” Computers and Geosciences, 74, 27-38. 

Sugarbaker, L.J., Constance, E.W., Heidemann, H.K., Jason, A.L., Lukas, Vicki, Saghy, D.L., and Stoker, J.M., 2014, The 3D Elevation Program initiative—A call for action: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1399, 35 p.,

TRB Mobile LIDAR Guidelines.

Presenter: Ashley Streig

Wells, RE, Weaver, CS & Blakely, RJ. 1998. Fore-arc migration in Cascadia and its neotectonic significance. Geology 26(8) 759-762.

Wells, RE & Simpson, RW. 2001. Northward migration of the Cascadia forearc in the northwestern US and implicaitons for subduction deformation. Earth Plantes Space 53:275-283.