College of Forestry

Watershed Processes Group

Geomorphology Round Table Seminar Series

Geomorphology Brown Bag - Winter 2012
Tuesday 12 - 1 pm in Wilkinson 203
Geomorphology & Ecology

The description below is modified from a call for abstracts for an EGU 2012 session, circulated via geomorphlist on 1/5/12. I think it captures the topic nicely.

As always, the success of the brownbag is reliant on you – please come prepared with an idea or two to propose to the group for a weekly topic. See below for some ideas.

Process geomorphology and ecosystems: disturbance regimes and interactions
Process geomorphology and ecosystems interact at different scales and with different feedback loops. Some geomorphic processes are perceived as disturbances from an ecosystem point of view. Equally, ecosystem characteristics, such as rooting depth or the density of beaver dams can influence the frequency, magnitude and related impacts of disturbance events like landslides and river floods. Anticipated climatic changes during the coming decades will directly influence ecosystems and geomorphic processes, but also the interaction between ecosystems and geomorphology.

This brownbag seeks to aid interdisciplinary exchange and interaction by exploring these issues and the fundamental ecological and geomorphic process interactions - at any scale - that underpin them. We anticipate discussions of both aquatic and terrestrial ecology and from all branches of geomorphology (hillslope, fluvial, tectonic, coastal, etc.) including studies that:
(i) quantify the importance of geomorphological disturbance for aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems,
(ii) quantify the ecosystem influences on geomorphological disturbance regimes,
(iii) use ecological data (such as tree rings, pollen, water chemistry or bio tracers) to infer past disturbance history and to understand impacts of ecosystems on geomorphic processes, or
(iv) elucidate the interactions and potential feedback loops between process geomorphology and ecosystems at any scale.

check the schedule below for available dates and email Sarah with your topic to sign up to present

visit to get on our weekly reminder list

Presenter: Rachel LovellFord

Harvey et al., 2011 Evaluating the role of invasive species as drivers of fine sediment-related river management problems: the case of the signal crayfish. Progress in Physical Geography 35 (4) 517-533.; follow up fish as engineers Science paper by Taylor et al, 2006.

2011_Harvey.pdf , Attachments:
Presenter: Dana Warren

Warren et al., in prep. A conceptual model for when and how substrate mobility can be the dominant factor limiting primary production in stream ecosystems.

Presenter: Diana DiLeonardo

Heathfield and Walker, 2011 Analysis of coastal dune dynamics, shoreline position, and large woody debris at Wickaninnish Bay, Pacific Rim National Park, British Columbia, Canadian Journal of Earth Science 48:1185-1198;

Eamer & Walker 2010. Quantifying sand storage capacity of large woody debris on beaches using LiDAR Geomorphology 118:33-47.

Presenter: Allison Danner

Butler et al., 2007. Influences of Geomorphology and Geology on Alpine Treeline in the American West - More important than climatic influences? Physical Geography 58:434-450.

Presenter: Nick Legg

Naiman, R.J., Johnston, C.A., and Kelley, J.C., 1988, Alteration of North American streams by beaver: BioScience, v. 38, no. 11, p. 753–762.

Presenter: Loren Davis

Modeling past geoecological systems - Davis & Muehlenbachs, 2001; Davis et al., 2002

2001_Davis&Muehlenbachs.pdf , Attachments:
Presenter: Gordon Grant

Hassan et al., 2008. Salmon-driven bed load transport and bed morphology in mountina streams. Geophysical Research Letters 35: L04405, doi:10.1029/2007GL032997.

Presenter: Jack Zunka

Robert L. Beschta, William J. Ripple, Large predators and trophic cascades in terrestrial ecosystems of the western United States, Biological Conservation, Volume 142, Issue 11, November 2009, Pages 2401-2414, ISSN 0006-3207, 10.1016/j.biocon.2009.06.015.

Presenter: Mohammad Safeeq

Butler, 2006. Human-induced changes in animal populations and distributions, and the subsequent effects on fluvial systems. Geomorphology 79:448-459;

Butler & Malanson, 2005. The geomorphic influence of beaver dams and failures of beaver dams. Geomorphology 71:48-60.

2006_Butler.pdf , Attachments:
Presenter: Lalo Guerrero & Andrew Meigs

Gilbing & Davies, 2012. Palaeozoic landscapes shaped by plant evolution. Nature Geoscience, DOI:10.1038/NGEO1376
