Geomorphology Round Table Seminar Series
Geomorphology Round Table - Spring 2018
Wilkinson 203, Tuesdays noon to 1pm
Mount St. Helens
Mount St. Helens: Zen Master for Volcanologists, Geomorphologists, Ecologists, and Poets
A volcano, a lake and a recurring headache: The Spirit Lake Conundrum. Please read the executive summary of PNW GTR 954 (attached). Full report available:
Stanley, W.D., S.Y. Johnson, A.I. Qamar, C.S. Weaver, and J.M. Williams (1996), Tectonics and seismicity of the Southern Washington Cascade Range, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 86, 1-18.
Post-Bretz Discussion
Major et al., 2018. Sediment Erosion and Delivery from Toutle River Basin After the 1980 Eruption of Mount St. Helens: A 30-Year Perspective. In Crisafulli & Dale, eds. Ecological Responses on Mount St. Helens: Revisited 35 years after the 1980 Eruption. Springer. 19-44.
Creative exploration of Mount St. Helens-- ready, set, sing (or dance, or write, or draw, or tweet...etc!)
Mount St. Helens--Poster Child for Volcanic Wet-Flow Hazards
Kilauea Update and other creative volcanic expressions
Pallister et al., Faulting within the Mount St Helens conduit and implications for volcanic earthquakes. GSA Bulletin 125:359-376.
Sediment Transport at Mount St Helens. Please read Sclafani et al., 2017.
Finals Week